Telehealth Appointments

A Telehealth appointment with your therapist is an appointment conducted electronically via video chat. Many occupational therapy assessments can be completed via telehealth, including functional capacity assessments, assessments for housing applications and sensory profiling. Our Physiotherapists are also able to conduct assessments via telehealth, depending on the participants situation and condition. In some circumstances Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists are also able to conduct ongoing therapy via telehealth.

It should be noted that some assessments can only be done in person. Home modifications cannot be completed via telehealth, our therapists would need to physically visit the home environment, take measurements, and review conditions to make appropriate recommendations.

Like a standard home visit, telehealth appointments can be funded through OT or PT services as part of a NDIS funding package.

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Who are Telehealth Appointments For?

Telehealth appointments are most commonly used for people who live in regional areas. Without telehealth these people may be on waitlists for up to two years to access an OT. With access to telehealth, our team can now assist these regional clients as soon as possible, giving them the same opportunity to access a quality service as our metro clients.

Telehealth is also available to those individuals who are unwell, vulnerable or simply choose to not have people access their home environment.

What Do I Need to Do to Best Prepare for My Appointment?

To help our therapist prepare, it is best if you can provide any relevant documents beforehand including; medical reports, hospital discharge summaries, psychology assessments, previous physiotherapy or occupational therapy reports including previous functional assessments.

Our administration team will go through the referral process with you, or please attach all relevant documents when you submit a referral here.

If possible, a webcam-enabled device with a stable internet connection is preferred during the appointment. To connect during your appointment time, all  you need to do is click on the link provided in your email confirmation of the appointment.

Feel free to invite carers or family members to participate and support you during the appointment as well. They can often provide additional input that’s helpful for the OT to make more appropriate recommendations.

What Happens During a Telehealth Appointment?

Once the appointment is booked through our admin team, you’ll receive an email confirmation with a telehealth video link. On the day and time of the appointment, you can simply click that link, and a video chat will open up and you will connect with one of Total Health Choices wonderful therapists. The appointment will last approx 60-90 minutes.

If you are completing a functional capacity assessment, during the initial appointment, the OT will ask you questions about all aspects of your daily living, including mobility, self-care tasks, levels of cognition, motivation, communication, community access, and domestic tasks such as cleaning and meal preparation.

If completing a physiotherapy initial assessment, your PT may ask you to perform certain tasks or exercises in front of the camera so they can observe your movements and work with you to set goals.

What Happens After my Telehealth Appointment?

Based on our conversation and observations, your OT or PT will then complete a report. That report will outline all discussion points and next steps in detail. The report will then be sent to you and/or the referrer. It can also be submitted directly to the NDIS as appropriate.

We’ll then work to follow through on our recommendations of assistive technology or ongoing therapies. We’ll try to utilise your plan and available funding in the best possible way to ensure you receive the support you need.

What are Some of the Common Recommendations?

Recommendations will be made according to your needs, they will be different for everyone.

Common recommendations could include occupational therapy, physiotherapy, exercise physiology, speech pathology, psychology, assistance with meal preparation, assistance with cleaning, and help from a support worker to promote community outings and social interaction or to assist with a home exercise program.

Total Health Choice has a team of brilliant and caring PTs, OTs and Exercise Phsyiologists who we are happy to connect you to for further treatment. We are also happy to liaise with and  share our findings and recommendations with therapists from other companies who you many already be working with.

Further in-home/on site visits might also be necessary  where assistive technology, such as a mechanical bed or recliner chair, might be recommended. If so, an in-home visit would be scheduled to further discuss options, especially in regards to more complex and high-cost items.

Ready to Book a Telehealth Appointment?

 We’d love to hear from you!

Please note that

  • We will treat you with Trust, Compassion and Care
  • We will let you know if we think telehealth is not appropriate for you, we have your best interests in mind
  • Our OTs and PTs are AHPRA Registered and university-qualified
  • We are NDIS registered, fully insured and appropriately experienced

Please use our contact page to start the process.

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