Why Recreation?

Recreation is related to the activities that we do for fun or leisure, mainly in the community.

Participating in recreational activities is very important for people to maintain their physical, emotional, and mental health. It can help with rebuilding skills, improving mood, improving quality of life, and strengthening social connections. 


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Energy, Fatigue Levels & Strategies

Exploring energy conservation strategies is important if you fatigue quickly but want to participate in the activities you need and want to do.

Energy conservation strategies are adapting the way you complete the activities to preserve energy. This includes prioritising activities, planning the activity, utilising proper posture and positioning, pacing yourself, changing mentality, and breathing techniques.

Identifying Recreational Activities

Occupational Therapy can assist you with identifying the new activity that you would like to participate in, integrating you into the activity to ensure you’re comfortable throughout the entire process (i.e. this includes your sensory preferences), and assisting you with socialising. 

If building on your social and communication skills is a major part of making friends, the Occupational Therapist can refer you to a Speech Pathologist.

Assistive Technology We Prescribe

  • Thick-handled utensils- To assist with grip when participating in meals time
  • Hi/lo beds- To assist with transfers and in-bed mobility
  • Mobility scooters- To improve/ increase community access

Read a Recreation Success Story!

In the past, we have written functional reports that have supported a participant to attend tennis lessons, swimming, and music lessons. How great!

Planning for Holidays

Depending on your skills and abilities, there are plenty of support available to assist you during your holiday.

Having paid or unpaid support attend the holiday with you can be an option. The Occupational Therapist can assist with building their skills to ensure they support you correctly. 

The Occupational Therapist can also identify appropriate equipment that can assist you whether it relates to your mobility, sensory processing, physical limitations, reminders, etc.

Recreation & NDIS Plans

NDIS can fund recreational activities as long as it relates to your disability and assists with achieving your goals outlined in your plan. 

It also depends on the way your funding is managed.

If you’re self-managed or plan-managed, you have more flexibility with where you can attend. If you’re NDIA managed, you’re limited to NDIA registered places. NDIS have funded, in the past, the following: tennis lessons, swimming, music lessons, etc.

Home Assessments, Frequency of Visits

At THP, we start by completing a functional assessment to assist with writing the functional report.

The functional assessment would require 1.5 hours and the report can take between 3-6 hours, depending on the complexity and number of recommendations.

From there, it highly depends on what your goals are and who you have to support you. Usually, we recommend between 15-20 hours of working together to achieve one goal.

Family with handicapped son bakes waffles

Want to Work With Total Health Choice?

  • All of our therapist are university qualified, with a minimum Bachelor qualification
  • The therapists work collaboratively to ensure you get all the services you require in a prompt manner
  • Working within our values of trust, compassion, and care, we are there to support you throughout your journey, ensuring you are the sole decision-maker


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