Cooking Safely as a Skill
The Occupational Therapist will observe and discuss your current cooking routine, supports required/ available, and facilitators and barriers that impact your ability to cook.
We ensure that our understanding is specifically related to you, your style of cooking, and the environment.
Kitchen Assessments in South East Melbourne
Cooking Equipment We Prescribe
- Plastic cutlery
- Thick-handled cutlery
- Timers/ alarms
- Visual aids
- One-touch can and jar openers
- Long handled equipment
- Lightweight & safe kettles
- Protective clothing
- Trays or trolleys
- Stove tops with temperature limits
- Environmental changes such as changing tap types and making the environment wheelchair accessible
Who Requires a Kitchen Assessment?
Anyone who is wanting to cook but has identified environmental barriers to achieving this goal is eligible for a kitchen assessment.
This is inclusive of people living with a physical, cognitive, or psychosocial disability.
How Can We Make the Environment Safer?
Examples include rails, removing slip hazards (e.g. mats), providing sufficient lighting, adapting the cooking equipment (e.g. thick handled utensils, kettle tipper), making it wheelchair accessible, visual aids, etc.
Risks within the Kitchen
If the Occupational Therapist identifies that you are unsafe to cook in the environment, they will trial different strategies, equipment, and supports to explore the option of making cooking safer.
If there is no option to make cooking safer and more accessible, the Occupational Therapist will support you to access ready-made meals for you to eat to ensure you’re obtaining the appropriate nutrients.
Sourcing Equipment Suppliers
Our Occupational Therapists will source the suppliers that hold the relevant equipment that you require.
The therapist is also open to your suggestions and knowledge.
Working with Family & Carers
The therapists will work directly with your family or paid support with your consent.
The therapist will spend the recommended amount of time to build their capacity to ensure they can assist you as required.
Ready to Work with Total Health Choice?
We’d love to hear from you, please note:
- We are NDIS registered
- Our OTs are university-trained
- We can visit all property types
- We offer Trust, Compassion & care
Please use the button below for any enquiry, we look forward to seeing how we might help you.
Cooking Safely FAQ
What happens if you believe someone requires more upper limb strength?
We can provide Physiotherapy or Exercise Physiology to complete a comprehensive assessment and provide ongoing therapy to build on your upper limb strength.