What is an NDIS Plan Review?

An NDIS plan review is an opportunity for NDIS participants to check if supports are working well and if they’re helping people towards and achieving their goals.

In an NDIS plan review in regards especially to Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, we will review funding for therapeutic supports, any assistive technology that may be necessary, and we make recommendations for ongoing therapy, as well as assistive technology and home modifications.

How often are NDIS Plans Reviewed?

Historically, NDIS plans are reviewed yearly. However, there are instances where plans can be allocated for two to three years.

Usually, if a plan is allocated for three years, it means that the participants are in a stable situation where their environment or condition is not going to change. So, they’re able to carry on with their lives without having to go through frequent plan reviews.

Who Participates in the Review?

NDIS plan reviews may take place with

  • The participant
  • Support coordinators
  • Service providers
  • Local area coordinators

In our experience, only one meeting is necessary.

What Happens if I am Achieving My Goals?

By systematically reviewing a plan, this helps people dial into what their strengths and weaknesses are, so we can leverage strengths and mitigate weaknesses.

Ultimately if you’re achieving your goals, funding may be directed towards areas of weaknesses and less from areas of strengths.

For example, someone might achieve their goals of accessing the community by being prescribed a new wheelchair, yet they would still like to improve their physical capacity, so more funding could be allocated to Physiotherapy.


What Happens if I’m Not Achieving my Goals?

The NDIS will find reasonable and necessary support in order for a person with a disability to pursue their goals and aspirations

These goals typically relate to increasing independence, social and economic participation, and developing the capacity to actively take part in the community.

If you do not achieve your goals, they can simply be carried over to the next NDIS plan. Support people would look into why people aren’t achieving their goals, which could be a variety of reasons, such as funding or more personal factors.

Ready to Work With Total Health Choice?

Great! We’d love to hear from you. Here are some key points about us

  • We are a boutique provider with an emphasis on quality
  • We’re here to achieve your goals before our own
  • We beleive in patient-directed care
  • We have a team of lovely clinicians you can choose from

If you would like to work with us, please view our referrals or contact pages.

NDIS Plan Review FAQ

  • Is it a Physiotherapists responsibility to help NDIS participants set realistic goals?

    Yes, we set Physiotherapy related goals and combine these with the NDIS specific goals.

    For example, our goals may be:

    • Walk 30 meters to the mailbox
    • Walk 500 meters to the corner shop

    These goals would intertwine with NDIS related goals, such as

      Increase mobility in order to access the community

    • Increase strength to walk safely at my home
    • Access an office and be able to work

    In other words, they are two categories of goals, but only one is listed in the NDIS plan. The NDIS adopts a holistic approach.

  • How does a Physiotherapist or Occupational Therapist help someone identify and set goals?

    Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists will work with people to set new goals based on their outcome measures and objective findings.

    So if, for example, we did a six-minute walk test and we found that you had to have five breaks and we complete the test because of fatigue, we would work on improving cardiovascular endurance as well as leg strength in order to complete the six-minute walk test without the need for frequent breaks.

    Occupational Therapists are especially interested in core measures. These measures typically relate to activities of daily living.


    • Balance
    • Physical capacity
    • Fatigue
    • Cognitive tasks
    • Showering
    • Toileting

    And so on.

    Commonly, we use a short 12 question questionnaire about these different aspects of life, and based on the outcome of that test, we’ll set goals to help people in their function towards them.

  • What information is carried over into the new NDIS plan?

    Being a national funding scheme, the NDIS plans are robust in nature.

    In our experience, the major changes between NDIS plans after a review are funding and setting new goals.

  • Can I request more funding for Physiotherapy or Occupational Therapy during a plan review?

    Yes, this is absolutely possible with the assistance of a Physiotherapist or Occupational Therapist.

    The ultimate goal of the NDIS is to help people achieve greater independence, Physiotherapy &amp OT is an excellent strategy for many goals.

    It is our responsibility to submit reports to the NDIS and make recommendations in an NDIS plan. These may also be forwarded to the participant’s support coordinator.