Success Story

One of our lovely clients Maria has a diagnosis of Parkison’s Disease but she doesn’t allow the disease to define her.

Instead, she takes an active approach to help her stay fit and healthy. She wishes to continue living independently in her own home for as long as possible with the support of family and services from her Home Care Package.

This includes physiotherapy. Our empathetic and dedicated physio Sharon has had weekly sessions with Maria to maintain her physical health.

Trust, Compassion & Care

Our empathetic and dedicated physio Sharon has had weekly sessions with Maria to maintain her physical health by completing a supervised exercise program as well as supporting other activities that are important to her well-being.

When the weather is nice, Maria and Sharon often go outside to walk and exercise, to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.

They have been able to build a trusting relationship and whilst Sharon is stringent in ensuring Maria completes her rehabilitation and exercises they